How does it work?
Taking part in SBL 24 is easy: purchase a scorecard for your local comp’s latest Round online, then check in at any time during the Round to hit the climbs and fill in your scores.
Points are gained for each climb you send, and the winner of each category is the climber who accumulates the most points.
A variety of prizes will also be awarded at random, simply for taking part, so you don’t have to be the best climber in the category to go home with something cool.
What are the categories?
There are four categories in the competition:
Adult male, adult female, adult open and Under 14.
How do I enter?
Simply purchase a scorecard online then check into your local venue during the round to tackle the climbs and collect your scores.
How do I win?
If you score the most points in your category, you’ll be immortalised on the Hangar walls, but that isn’t the only way to win. Every time you purchase a scorecard your name enters the pot for a variety of cool prizes. The more rounds of the competition you enter, the more chances you have to win.
How good a climber do I need to be to take part in a comp?
Hangar comps should be fun and you don’t need to be the best climber in the building to take part. Several of the comp climbs will be set at our lower grades, while others will be more difficult to send.
Comps are great because climbs aren’t set in the usual colour grade spectrum. The only way to know the difficulty of the bloc is to check it out. This is useful for novice or intermediate climbers who might not often venture away from the grades they’re comfortable with.
The comp will be a new challenge but should be seen as a fun one rather than an intimidating one.
How much does it cost to take part?
Scorecards cost just £2 per round, for members and non-members.
Be aware that to climb, you’ll also need to pay for entrance to the site. Standard entry fees apply. Members climb at no extra cost. See your local venue’s page for entry costs.
The Summer Bouldering League is a cheap and cheerful climbing comp for all ages and abilities and the first round of action is just around the corner, so head to the SBL page and sign up for your local competition.