Shauna first started climbing when she saw French free climber, Catherine Destiville, free soloing in Mali on television when she was just four years old. “I told my dad ‘I want to do that!’ and then we found a local wall, joined the kid's classes and the rest is history I guess!”
After all these years climbing, you’d think it’d be easy to fall out of love with the sport, but Shauna explains why it’s more than a form of exercise. “For me, the community makes climbing special. Whether it is climbing outdoors with a few friends or down a climbing wall hanging out with loads of mates, that is when you realise that climbing is a pretty special sport.”

After 27 years of climbing, how does she stay motivated? “I like to set myself goals whether they are small, very specific goals right through to some pretty ambitious targets and being able to meet those goals helps me to keep climbing.” “However,” she adds “honestly when you are having loads of fun with your mates, it is pretty hard to not be motivated!”
Shauna is an incredibly successful climber both in the competition scene and on real rock, overcoming quite a few injuries along the way. She is one of only four women to have ever climbed an 8B+ boulder, she won the IFSC World Cup twice, set the British women’s speed climbing record of 9.141s in 2019, and was the first-ever Team GB climber in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
“I think my biggest achievement is that I still love climbing! Throughout my competitive climbing career, I have had quite a few bumps in the road, injuries, and setbacks but after everything to still get excited to train down the wall or head out to find a problem outdoors I want to climb, I would count that as my biggest achievement!”

“Climb for you! Dream big, try hard and have fun!”
You can keep up to date with Shauna on her Instagram and YouTube channels.