Getting into climbing
I was introduced to bouldering in February by a friend who thought I'd love it, and after visiting the Hangar a few times, I booked onto the Beginners Coaching course, and then the Intermediate Coaching course. I wanted to learn technique and how to climb effectively, as opposed to flinging myself about and hoping for the best: I'm now climbing V3-V4 (blues and purples, swirls if I'm feeling brave).
Outdoor bouldering appealed to me immediately, but I had no idea where to start, where to go, or if I'd be good enough.
Getting out and about
Having the trip to The Roaches organised by the Hangar essentially took out a lot of the unknown, and meant I was really able to enjoy doing something I'd never done before, with plenty of help and guidance on hand if I needed it.
From an amateur’s (hello I am the amateur) point of view, climbing outdoors is completely different –physically and mentally – to climbing indoors. Actual rock face vs shaped handholds, coloured set routes vs finding your own ways up, topping out (getting onto the top of the rock) onto bird shit etc…however climbing at The Roaches exceeded all my expectations and I honestly can’t wait to climb outdoors again.
My tips for a successful outdoor climb
1) Go with someone experienced (if you don’t know any pros I’d totally recommend waiting for the next Hangar Day Out)
2) Wear long sleeves/trousers if, like me, you’re probably looking at sliding down a rock face at least once
3) Push yourself – find your limits and test them, it’s fully worth the satisfaction.
Come with us
Hangar Days Out are free and they will be happening every month this summer, so there's no reason not to join in. The next one will be on 1st July: keep and eye on our event page to see what's coming up and get involved!
Massive thanks to Lian Challis for sharing her experience with us. We're loving having you as part of the Hangar Family!